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I Help Organizations Reshape Their Workplace Culture



Galini is an engaging speaker and author, college and university professor, researcher, and professional business consultant with over 20 years of industry experience.

As a Speaker, Galini is exceptionally engaging and always caters to the needs of her audience. Her professional experience at different levels gives her a good understanding of other people and the ability to identify their desires to better serve their needs by delivering engaging educational material.


As a Professor and Researcher, Galini is dedicated to educating students at all levels. She is actively engaged in Research in Business on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Management.


As a Professional Consultant, Galini has over 10 years of industry experience in Project Management, and Business and Financial Analysis in different industries- from government and health care, consumer packaged goods, to manufacturing not for profit organizations. She is a Professional Project Manager (PMP) and serves as a Finance Director / Treasurer at Project Management Institute Lakeshore Chapter (PMILOC).




“Project Management – trends, methodologies, practices and certifications”, McMaster University, University of Toronto Mississauga, Queen’s college, Lambton College, ON, 2018-2020

“Project Management 101”, McMaster University, University of Toronto Mississauga, Queen’s college, Lambton College, ON, 2018 - 2020

“Comparative Analysis of Syrian Refugee Entrepreneurs”, University of South Denmark, Kolding, Denmark, 2016

“Strategic Management and Decision Making”, Enbridge Gas, Toronto, ON, 2012

“Economic Environment and Marketing of New Product”, Open Source, Waterloo, ON, 2010

“New Product Development and Marketing”, Lean Cuisine, Mississauga, ON, 2009

“Conrad Black and Collapse of Enron”, Ontario Securities Commission, Toronto, ON, 2009

“Brand Marketing, Prospecting and Financial Planning”, Job Expo, Toronto, ON, 2009

“Assessment and Valuation of Midsize Firms” SB partners, Burlington, ON, 2008

“Financial Post Investment Portfolio Competition”, DeGroote School of Business, 2007

“Finite Element Analysis of Hot Gas Forming Process”, 6th International Numerical Simulation Conference Numiform, Conference Proceedings, Detroit, MI, 2005 

“A Ring Compression Test for Assessment of Formability of Polymer Tubes”, TMCR, University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, 2005

Quarterly Progress Reports in Research Development, Magna, ON, 2003 – 2006



An experienced speaker who enjoys imparting knowledge by customizing presentations, speeches, and lectures to her audience and event objective. She is an energic, impactful speaker on whatever topic, whether it be finance, project management, or building and developing teams. A professional in IT, Project Management, Financial industry and has a wealth of experience to share and relate to your intended audience.

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